EnerWisely te ayuda a reducir tus recibos de luz
EnerWisely es la aplicación inteligente con herramientas para ahorrar dinero y reducir su huella de carbono:
Smart Tools to Save Money & Energy While Reducing your Carbon Footprint
Compra inteligente de Mejores ofertas
Comparación inteligente para encontrar el plan de luz que se adapta a tu consumo.
Auditoría energética del hogar
Obtén la puntuación de energia de tu hogar y compárate con otros.
Calculadora de la huella de carbono
Conoce y reduce tu impacto ambiental mientras ahorras dinero.
Net Zero Hero Rewards
Para clientes de todas las empresas de luz en los mercados libres de Texas.
Recordatorio de expiracion
Recuerde cuándo es el momento de cambiar de plan de energia y encuentre la mejor oferta.
EnerWisely is your trusted energy partner. With us, using energy more wisely never comes at the expense of privacy. Your data is encrypted, and protected. You decide what you want to know and what you want to share.

El 91% de los tejanos paga de más por la electricidad. Haz la prueba y comprueba si eres uno de ellos.
Trabajas duro por tu dinero y cada dólar cuenta. Use tu Power to Choose de formaInteligente comparando automáticamente cientos de planes de luz y hallar el más barato en base a tu consumo.
Realice la Auditoría de energía del hogar de EnerWisely, un simple cuestionario de ahorros 100% en línea, para obtener su puntaje de energía del hogar y ahorrar. Una forma fácil pero eficaz de conocer la eficiencia energética de tu hogar y compararla con la de otros en tu zona.
Conoce qué está afectando tu puntaje y calcula los ahorros anuales que podrías obtener al mejorarlo. Tambien obtendras recomendaciones y herramientas personalizadas para mantenerte al día y obtener resultados.
A more sustainable future stars with using energy more wisely

Energy Use Monitoring
Get weekly home energy reports. Check your dashboard to track progress.

Your energy consumption went up 10% this past month.

You’re wasting 20% of the energy you use in leaks.

Personalized Insights
Learn what affects your energy efficiency and how to improve it.

Better Decisions
See personalized recommendations for ways to get the most for your money.

Switching to LED lights could help you save $125 per year.
See how EnerWisely is helping users achieve their sustainable energy savings.
FINALLY, a real partner to help me be more efficient in my electricity use and lower my emissions without having to pay more. EnerWisely gives me the knowledge I need to know what is wrong and how to fix it. I love it!
JoAnn Meyer – Houston
I paid over $100 last year just to find the best cents per kWh rate. EnerWisely does so much more for FREE. It’s the only site that shows my energy score & offers monitoring to reduce my energy waste. It doubled my savings.
Vivek Redi – Dallas
EnerWisely is much more than an electricity plan shopping site. My account keeps track of my energy use changes over time. I simply click find plan matches and order. Seeing my top deals with their matching scores is very powerful.
Anthony Yi – Sugarland
I am always looking for the best deal. When it comes to switching electricity plans, this means finding the lowest price, and no having to pay to find it. Also, EnerWisely helps reducing waste. It’s like making extra money.
Alberto Suarez – Katy
EnerWisely Net Zero Hero Rewards Program.
Sustainable Energy Savings Made Cool, Fun & Rewarding
Make Progress & Earn Bragging Rights.

Join challenges, and win cool prizes. Our ongoing contest is for a year of free electricity.

Get recognition for your effort & help to stay on track. Earn points for every action you take.

Celebrate your achievements with badges, share with friends, and collect them all.

Status Levels
Level up as your complete actions and make progress. Accelerate your path to rewards.
Join EnerWisely’s growing community!
First of all, you will receive an entry in our drawing to win a year of free electricity when you complete your quiz. Additionally, you will get your home energy score. Plus, you get the estimated savings by improving and recommendations. After that, we will generate your personal promo code to share with your friends. Consequently, each time someone enters your code when completing their quiz; you will receive an additional entry. Finally, if you give us feedback and ideas to improve, we will give you an extra entry.
Promo Terms & conditions
Participants agree to this site`s Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Winner will receive one year of free electricity for the address used to create your account. The prize is calculated based on the last 12-month energy use. It considers Texas Average electricity price up to $2,000. Therefore, the winner agrees to EnerWisely`s right to use drawing results, including the winner announcement for marketing purposes.
In conclusion, If you complete your quiz by April 30th, 2022, you may be randomly picked out to win!